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L2 Pointwise data

Pointwise data of some oceanic variables directly computed from in situ observations of T/S profiles are made available hereunder. Those data are mainly intended for investigating research questions but user should still take care to always keep a scientific view on them (e.g. occurrences of what look like outliers for you may happen, some flags may come soon with the data). To get those data (in netcdf format) you can choose between the two methods hereafter.

 L2 Data Download 

You can download the whole L2 pointwise datasets through ftp links below. A more detailed description of each dataset and variables is available hereafter (rapid descriptions also exist in the netcdf data files .

[37.2 Mo]
ocean variables (defs.) computed from ARGO Profiling Floats dataset (descr.)
[32.4 Ko]
ocean variables (defs.) computed from WOCE v3.0 2002 CTDs (sample test) dataset (descr.)

 L2 Data Description 

We give hereunder a description of the variables and datasets you can select from the form above. Some variables are basically the same as for the L3 Gridded Data. The basic datasets should be updated on a yearly basis. More choice in the variables (e.g. MLDreqdt02, WLD, BLT, T/S under ML, D20...) and datasets (CTD from WOD09, TAO buoys) should hopefully come soon.

