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Create HH LUT
This notebook will show how we create HH LUTs
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
# optional debug messages
import logging
logging.getLogger('xsarsea.windspeed').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #or .setLevel(logging.INFO)
Definition Zhang & Mouche
inc_angle = np.arange(17,50,0.5)
ar = [1.3794, -3.19e-2, 1.4e-3]
br = [-0.1711, 2.6e-3]
def get_pol_ratio_zhangA(inc_angle,wind_speed):
# do not force the ratio to be greater than 1
ars2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(inc_angle, ar)
brs2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(inc_angle, br)
pol_ratio = ars2 * (wind_speed ** brs2)
return pol_ratio
def get_pol_ratio_zhangB(inc_angle,wind_speed):
# do force the ratio to be greater than 1
ars2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(inc_angle, ar)
brs2 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(inc_angle, br)
pol_ratio = ars2 * (wind_speed ** brs2)
# we force the ratio to be greater than 1
pol_ratio = np.where(pol_ratio < 1, 1, pol_ratio)
return pol_ratio
def get_pol_ratio_mouche(inc_angle, wind_dir, wind_speed=None):
# Alexis Mouche, D. Hauser,
# V. Kudryavtsev and JF. Daloze,
# "Multi polarization ocean radar
# cross-section from ENVISAT ASAR
# observations, airborne polarimetric
# radar measurements and empirical or
# semi-empirical models", ESA
# ERS/ENVISAT Symposium, Salzburg,
# September 2004
A0 = 0.00650704
B0 = 0.128983
C0 = 0.992839
Api2 = 0.00782194
Bpi2 = 0.121405
Cpi2 = 0.992839
Api = 0.00598416
Bpi = 0.140952
Cpi = 0.992885
P0_theta = A0*np.exp(B0*theta)+C0
Ppi2_theta = Api2*np.exp(Bpi2*theta)+Cpi2
Ppi_theta = Api*np.exp(Bpi*theta)+Cpi
C0_theta = (P0_theta+Ppi_theta+2*Ppi2_theta)/4
C1_theta = (P0_theta-Ppi_theta)/2
C2_theta = (P0_theta+Ppi_theta-2*Ppi2_theta)/4
polrat = C0_theta + C1_theta*np.cos(np.deg2rad(phi)) + C2_theta*np.cos(2*np.deg2rad(phi))
return polrat
for wspd in [3,7,10,15,20]:
plt.plot(inc_angle, 10*np.log10(get_pol_ratio_zhangB(inc_angle,wspd)), label=f'Wspd = {wspd} m/s')
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
plt.title(f'ZhangB Polarization Ratio vs Incidence Angle')
plt.xlabel('Incidence Angle [deg]')
plt.ylabel('Polarization Ratio [dB]')
for phi in [30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180]:
plt.plot(inc_angle, 10*np.log10(get_pol_ratio_mouche(inc_angle,phi)), label=f'Phi = {phi} deg')
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
plt.title(f'Mouche1 Polarization Ratio vs Incidence Angle')
plt.xlabel('Incidence Angle [deg]')
plt.ylabel('Polarization Ratio [dB]')

create HH LUT
def create_gmfHH(fct, vv_name, pr_name, mod, res):
pol_ratio_data = xr.apply_ufunc(
mod.incidence, mod.wspd,
pol_ratio_data_extended = pol_ratio_data.expand_dims({'phi': mod.phi}).broadcast_like(mod)
mod_hh = (mod/pol_ratio_data_extended) = 'sigma0_model'
mod_hh = mod_hh.to_dataset()
mod_hh.attrs['units'] = 'linear'
mod_hh.attrs['construction'] = f'{vv_name} / {pr_name}'
mod_hh.attrs['description'] = f'Backscatter coefficient in HH polarization build from {vv_name.upper()} model and {pr_name[0].upper() + pr_name[1:]} Polarization Ratio model'
mod_hh.attrs['resolution'] = f'{res}'
mod_hh.attrs['pol'] = 'HH'
if vv_name == "cmod7":
mod_hh.attrs['inc_range'] = np.array([16.,66.])
mod_hh.attrs['wspd_range'] = np.array([0.2,50.])
mod_hh.attrs['phi_range'] = np.array([0., 180.])
elif vv_name == "cmod5n":
mod_hh.attrs['inc_range'] = np.array([17.,50.])
mod_hh.attrs['wspd_range'] = np.array([0.2, 50.])
mod_hh.attrs['phi_range'] = np.array([0., 180.])
else :
raise ValueError("vv_name must be cmod7 or cmod5n")
mod_hh.attrs['model'] = f'{vv_name}_R{res}_hh_{pr_name}'
mod_hh.attrs['wspd_step'] = np.round(
np.unique(np.diff(mod_hh.wspd)), decimals=2)[0]
mod_hh.attrs['inc_step'] = np.round(
np.unique(np.diff(mod_hh.incidence)), decimals=2)[0]
mod_hh.attrs['phi_step'] = np.round(
np.unique(np.diff(mod_hh.phi)), decimals=2)[0]
fname = f'./nc_lut_gmf_{vv_name}_R{res}_hh_{pr_name}.nc'
mod_hh.to_netcdf(fname, mode="w")
print("model saved at ", fname)
vv_name = "cmod5n"
#create_gmfHH(get_pol_ratio_zhangB, vv_name, "zhangB", xsarsea.windspeed.get_model(f"gmf_{vv_name}").to_lut(**{'resolution':'high'}), 'high')