xsarslc: functions to compute cross spectra from Sentinel-1 SLC SAR products
xsarslc is a library to compute cross spectrum from level 1 SAR SLC products. Objets manipulated are all xarray.
Acquisition modes handled by xsarslc are IW, EW and WV.
The input datatree object can come from any reader library but the original design has been done using xsar
import xsarslc
![real part SAR cross spectrum](_images/oceanspectrumSAR.png)
xsarslc can compute both intra burst and inter (i.e. overlapping bursts) burst cross spectrum.
To have comparable cross spectrum among bursts and sub-swaths, we choose to have constant dk values, it means that the number of pixels used to compute the cross spectrum is not always the same.
The algorithm is performing 4 different sub-setting in the original complex digital number images:
bursts sub-setting
tiles sub-setting
periodograms sub-setting
looks (in azimuth) sub-setting
- Default configuration is set to:
20x20 km tiles in the bursts. (less in inter burst where we have about 3 km of overlapping).
0% overlapping tiles
\(2.tau\) saved cross spectrum
Algorithm Technical Baseline Document
The Algorithm Technical Baseline Document (ATBD) describes implemented processing steps from Sentinel-1 SLC product to cross spectra
Sentinel-1 Level-1B IFREMER Product Description
It describes the format, the files and the content of Level-1B SAR product.
here are some examples of usage
SAR Sentinel-1 cross spectrum computation from large image Interferometric Wide-swath SLC
Example to compute image cross spectrum between different looks within a WV Sentinel-1 SLC product
A notebook to illustrate how to compute and correct Impulse Response in IW SLC product
A notebook to illustrate how to compute and correct Impulse Response in WV SLC product
illustration of the default Impulse Response (IR) files from xsarslc
Get in touch
Report bugs, suggest features or view the source code on github.
Last documentation build: Feb 09 2024 at 17:13